Advisory Board
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation,
because I am convinced that people can live a more mobile, safer and healthier life with their assistance dog.
Prof. Dr. Schmidtke
Federal Government Commissioner for Patients, MBA, Member of the Bundestag
Assistance dogs are important everyday helpers for a wide range of long-term impairments, including diseases such as diabetes or various seizure disorders. In addition to their assistance, they are of course also lovable partners and give us joy and quality of life.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation
in creating long-overdue foundations for the concept to move forward.
Peter Clever
Vice President of the Employers' Group in the European Economic and Social Committee. Former CEO, Federal Union of Employers' Associations (BDA)
Denied access for assistance dog teams is almost always due to lack of knowledge and insecurity. A clear ID for recognized assistance dog teams, as will be offered by Assistance Dog Foundation, will prevent these misunderstandings.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation,
because it always keeps the dog's well-being in mind in all of its processes.
Dr. Mackensen
German Animal Welfare Federation, Animal Welfare Academy
Assistance dog teams embody - for all to see - the potential of dog-human partnership. Dogs love to be useful - at the same time their rights and needs must always be front and center, because they cannot speak for themselves.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation,
because it envisions and creates a beneficial, sustainable and innovative future for assistance dog teams.
Gabriela Spangenberg
Managing Director Social Impact gGmbH, Berlin
Developed through an "Andersgründer" scholarship at the Social Impact Lab, Frankfurt, we proudly follow the constant growth of this program. It is truly breaking new ground and step by step establishing effective solutions for assistance dog teams. The goal of our work is to promote the development of social innovations like these.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation
and its vision to create recognition and support for all assistance dog teams.
David Adams
President of the European Guide Dog Federation (EGDF), NGO for the guide dog sector in Europe
I am collaborating with Pfotenpiloten on establishing a European curriculum and certification for assistance dog professionals, L.E.A.D., and we are both on working groups for European assistance dog standard, CEN/TC 452. I am delighted to help her establish Assistance Dog Foundation.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation,
because it has the interests of all stake holders in mind, especially the dogs.
Christoph Jung
Certified psychologist, author of dog-specific literature
Between no species is the relationship so close as between man and dog. Especially assistance dogs make their humans more mobile, strengthen participation and quality of life. For this they deserve special protection and appreciation.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation,
because it has an independent viewpoint, ensures quality and thus breaks down barriers.
Dr. Schwarzkopf
Schwarzkopf Institute for Hygiene, medical Microbiologist and Epidemiologist, Court Advisor for Hospital Hygiene.
For about 30 years I have been researching hygiene issues in animal-supported concepts. Many access problems for assistance dog teams arise from unclear information, one-sided and dogmatic views and lack of expertise.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation,
because I see a lot of potential for these human-dog partnerships.
Dr. Bräuer
Max Planck Society for the History of Humanity (Animal Cognition and Comparative Psychology), Jena
Man and dog have common roots that go back far into our prehistory. Our understanding of and relationship with dogs is constantly advancing, as can be seen with assistance dog teams.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation,
as they seek to maximise the benefits for both the human and the animal within an assistance dog team.
Prof. Daniel S. Mills
European & RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine School of Life Sciences University of Lincoln, UK
I am a veterinary behaviourist working in both clinical practice and research. Much of my work focuses on gaining deeper insight into companion animal emotions and the human animal relationship.
I supportAssistance Dog Foundation,
because it opens up opportunities to evaluate the assistance dog concept comprehensively.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zerth
Economics/Health Economics, Wilhelm Loehe University of Applied Science (WLH), Fürth. VP for Research and Head of the Research Institute IDC
We research innovation processes in the health and long-term care markets. We apply interdisciplinary focus on individual acceptance and usability, societal acceptability, financial viability and value creation. Assistance dogs in the personnal assistance context is of great interest to us.
Our Supervisory Board
As an initiative of the Pfotenpiloten, the Assistance Dog Foundation is also accompanied by our Supervisory Board.
Nils Hafa
Mehr Info
Ich habe das Projekt Pfotenpiloten in meiner Zeit als Standortleiter des Social Impact Labs Frankfurt kennengelernt. Es hat mir von Anfang an sehr gut gefallen, der Social Impact ist klar erkennbar mit einer sehr motivierten und strukturierten Gründerin. Sehr gerne unterstütze ich das Projekt in der weiteren Entwicklung. Aktuell bin ich bei GreenTec Capital als Senior Company Builder verantwortlich für die Akquisition und Beratung von innovativen, wirkungsorientierten Start-ups in Sub-Sahara-Afrika.
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Susan Georgijewitsch
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Bereits in seiner Gründungsphase überzeugten mich Vision, Umsetzungsplanung und Leidenschaft der Gründerin von Pfotenpiloten. Und was bisher erreicht wurde, u.a. an Strukturbildung, ist beeindruckend. Gerne unterstütze ich mit meinen Erfahrungen aus langjähriger Tätigkeit im Consulting und im Fundraising für gemeinnützige Organisationen die weitere Entwicklung.
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Farid Bidardel
Mehr Info
Mit Pfotenpiloten verbindet mich vor allem die engagierte Gründerin und der klare soziale Mehrwert. Als Mitbegründer und Vorstandsvorsitzender der und CEO von TensorParc bringe ich meine Erfahrungen in die Prozessstrukturen gerne mit ein. Zuvor verwaltete und entwickelte ich für die Social Impact gGmbH – zusammen mit JPMorgan, KfW, Generali & Deutsche Bank – nationale und internationale Programme für benachteiligte Unternehmer und social Entrepreneure. Durch meine Forschungs- und Lehrtätigkeiten mit den Schwerpunkten Bildung, Innovation und Unternehmertum bringe ich zusätzlich als Design Thinking Coach einen neuen Blick auf bestehende Entwicklungsprozesse.